Konstantin Valeev
Head of Department, Restream
How to use Russian standards GOST 19 and 34 in modern software development
October 13, 10:30
Room IV|IV зал
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My talk will guide you on how to apply Russian standards GOST 19 and 34 on your project: why you may need them, which part of them is obviously outdated and which one is still valuable, how to use widely accepted artifacts and techniques along with GOST documentation.
Managing requirement specification practises
October 13, 11:50
Room I|I зал
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My talk is about management of requirements specification practices — tools and notations for creating artifacts, understandable to different participants of the development; how to choose from a variety of tools the ones that suitable for your project. I will show how SEMAT Essence can help us here, and what is entirely up to our own knowledge.
My speech will be interesting both for experienced system analysts—I will spotlight things that many of us take for granted, and for those not very familiar with requirements engineering: to observe the whole picture, maybe come to know some tools.