Writing papers for SECR

Scientific papers are accepted to SECR on a competitive basis and only together with a talk delivered in person by one of the authors.
For dates and details of the application see Call For Speakers.

The conference proceedings are published in the ACM digital library, and become available to other members of the wide scientific community. The purpose of publishing an article in the scientific cited databases is to disseminate information about the results of your research among the global community.

Next section is about SECR program committee expectations from the proposals.

Expectations to the content of the article

The information in this article should be:

  • New.
    Dublicated publication, plagiarism and self-plagiarism are not allowed. It is very important to relate your work to what has already been done in this area. It is necessary to search for analogues (not just “google it” but search the scientific sources).
  • Meaningful for the scientific community.
    If this is a small local improvement of the existing system, or has a hypothesis which was not yet been tested, is it worth the article?
  • Backed by research results.

The length of the article: 5-10 pages.

Typical mistakes

  • The significance of the presented work for a scientific audience is unclear.
  • References only to your own papers and works of your colleagues from the same institution (if there are analogues in other organizations – use them)
  • References only to some quite old publications.
  • Template
  • The article must be formatted in accordance with the requirements and templates of ACM: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.

Mandatory sections (must be in English)

Article language – Russian or English

An article in English will greatly expand your audience. We recommend that the final version be translated into English, although this is not a mandatory requirement, that is, the article may be in Russian. Even for articles in Russian it is necessary to translate into English: the name, names and affiliations of the authors, abstract, keywords, classification (CCS Concepts).

Copyrights and Republishing

Rights can go to ACM or remain for you in whole or in part – the choice of the author: http://authors.acm.org/main.html.

What are the benefits from publication in ACM DL

The results of your work are available to the widest scientific audience. More than 3,000 universities in 100+ countries have access to the ACM library, more than 16 million articles are downloaded annually.

Where is the article published in ACM

ACM’s publication metadata is freely available for indexing in any directory and on Internet search engines, such as:
– google
– Google Scholar
– Yahoo!
– Microsoft Bing
– Microsoft Academic Search
– Primo
– Summon.

Secondary commercial databases, such as:
– Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science
– Elsevier’s Scopus
– Ei and Engineering Village
– EBSCO Discovery Service

ACM often sends metadata directly to these services.

Links to recommendations for writing scientific articles


If you have any questions please write or call.

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