Aleksandr Leushkin
Mera NN
Aleksandr Leushkin is a senior designer and software architect in the area of Unified Communications and related technologies at MERA NN (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Joined MERA in 2011 as a software designer and was working as designer and software architect.
Aleksandr graduated from Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, faculty of Calculated Mathematics and Cybernetics.
Cheap and scalable call-center based on FreeSWITCH. Is it truth or fiction?
October 12, 18:30
Room II|II зал
Discuss the presentation
I will tell you about my experience in development of scalable call-center solution based on Open Source components. I will describe evolution of architecture of the application with similar goal starting from the idea and finishing by production ready solution. We developed this solution in a very short time. That is why our experience will be useful for presentation listeners while developing of the similar scalable solutions.