Alexander Gavrilov

Deputy GM, Science and Technology Center, IBM

IBM Science and Technology Center Business Development Executive

Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. National IT-Qualification Development Council member.

Alexander has more than 25 years’ experience in IT-industry as in multinational corporations as in Russian companies and startups, 10+ years university lecturer experience in MEPhI and MSU.


University Role in IT Specialists Training

October 12, 13:40
Room I|I зал

Discuss the presentation

Education is a continuous process. All participants of the conference studied, studying now and will continue to study. An important milestone for anyone is the basic education in their professional area (which is in most cases is university), so we invite all participants to the panel discussion: “The role of the university in the training of IT professionals.”

Three main facets of this complicated topic, which we want to discuss, are:

1 What employers expect from university graduates.
2 What of these can universities provide, and what do they need for this.
3 What are the alternatives to universities in the basic training of IT professionals.

Professor Boris Steinberg will make a lead talk prior to the discussion, and then he will become one of the “panelists from education”. We will hear and see a dialogue between “representatives of employers” and “representatives of education.” We hope that all those interested will be able to ask questions to the main panelists and make polemical attacks. As a result of the discussion, we will try to approach reasonable answers to the questions posed.

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