Talks & master-classes
Architectural principles for making decisions for the development, acquisition and use of SW products
October 12, 13:00
Room IV|IV зал
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Often the guidelines of the developer, supplier, purchaser and user SW-product are inconsistent, even worse, if they contradict each other. Possible shortcomings and damages, as well as their sources are given on examples of known systems and companies. Basic architectural approach helps to prevent such damage, and if they manifest themselves – to identify their roots and to find solutions to conflicts. A set of concise models and practical steps is shown to achieve the desired coherence, ensuring the sustainably successful creation and application of SW products in enterprises. Models not only provide traceability of software products and business solutions, on the one hand, to values of different stakeholders, on the other, but also aim at a much wider spectrum of software products than are currently in active discussion.
Eugene Zinder