Talks & master-classes

Complex made simple: how we teach C++ on Coursera

October 12, 12:20
Room IV|IV зал

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For the past two years I have been leading the project of creating a C++ specialization on Coursera. The specialization is going to consist of five courses, three of which are already launched and another one is almost ready.

In my talk I want to tell:

  • why we decided to create online courses about C++
  • how we create courses’ content and why

Besides, I want to focus on two main principles which we usу to create our materials:

  • clarity instead of completeness
  • lots of practice

We are sure that these principles are applicable not to only in education but also in everyday work of people involved in IT. Therefore not only do I want to tell how we create our courses but also I will try to show how our experience might be used in everyday work.

Ilia Shishkov

Илья Шишков, Яндекс. Просто о сложном: опыт создания курсов по C++ на Coursera

Senior software developer, Yandex

I’ve been working at Yandex since 2012. I took part in development of several Yandex.Search components. Apart from that I taught in Yandex School of Data Analisys. Now I work in educational department and lead creation of C++ specialization for Coursera. I have rich experience of giving talks: C++ Russia 2016, 2017, 2018.

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